The weather forecast was for 70* F so shorts and t-shirt were definitely the order of the day. After breakfast I went hiking with five other friends on the Dutchman Trail. It is about 15 miles east of Apache Junction and then 7 miles up a very dusty, washboardy gravel road. Being a Saturday there were many hikers out and about and lots of families with children of all ages. The hike wasn't hard at all but it was almost 3 miles to the turnaround spot. On a previous visit to this area we had visited an old mine portal that mined turquoise. When I thought we were close to that spot I went climbing up the hill looking for the opening. It was the wrong spot so I started my descent back to the trail - I slipped and put my hand back to brace my fall and placed my hand right on a barrel cactus. Ouch!! Only about 10 or 12 of the needles stayed in my hand and I was able to pull them out pretty easily but it was definitely painful. You would think after the episode I reported in my last blog that I'd be a little more careful. Guess not :-) It didn't take long for the bleeding to stop and, even though my hand swelled up, I was able to continue the hike without much discomfort.
the view from the start of the hike after we reached the 'saddle' - the rock formation in the distance right in the middle of the picture, was our destination.
FYI - I'm still checking in on your blog! Would love to be where it is sunny and warm....hopefully in early April! :-) Do you plan to stay at the same camp site every year?
We're glad to hear you're still following our blog. Haven't had one of your great updates lately. Soon? :-)
At the moment it seems that we will be spending the winters at this resort in Apache Junction. So much of what we like to do is in close proximity to this location. However, if we decide to explore in other areas then we would surely look for a place in the new area. For now this is home. It's pretty well the same thing in the summers although we'll be spending a few weeks with our son and his family in Chilliwack, BC before heading to our Ottawa camp site.
Maybe we'll see you one of these days?
David and Lise
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